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Automation Technology in Industrial Plants

Welcome to Automation Training

Automation Training provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the dynamic field of industrial automation. In today's rapidly evolving industries, automation plays a pivotal role in optimizing processes, enhancing productivity, and ensuring the efficiency of various systems. From controlling complex machinery to managing industrial processes, automation technologies such as PCS7, STEP7, TIA Portal, and more, are integral components of modern industrial systems.

Automation training equips participants with a comprehensive understanding of how automation technologies function, how to implement them, and how to troubleshoot and maintain automation systems. Participants gain hands-on experience with industry-standard software and hardware, enabling them to design, program, and monitor automation processes.

Whether you're a newcomer seeking to enter the world of industrial automation or a seasoned professional aiming to enhance your skill set, automation training provides a structured learning environment that covers a wide range of topics. These topics may include PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programming, HMI (Human-Machine Interface) design, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, process visualization, communication protocols, and more.

As industries continue to embrace automation to achieve higher levels of precision, reliability, and efficiency, individuals trained in automation technologies become invaluable assets. Automation training not only opens doors to various career opportunities but also empowers individuals to contribute to the advancement of industries through innovative automation solutions.

In summary, automation training offers a pathway for individuals to become proficient in the design, implementation, and management of automation systems used across industries. By acquiring a strong foundation in automation technologies, individuals are poised to succeed in a field that underpins the progress and efficiency of modern industrial processes.


During The COVID Pandemic we held several "Online PCS7 Training Courses". Some could argue that the experience isn't the same as IN-PERSON, although the participants were more than satisfied with the course under given circumstances. Every participant had his own PC (remotely connected) to the engineering station which has been designated to that specific person. Participants also had direct connection to the automation station, which was shared between participants in training. Participants also configurated "Operator Stations" (and run), for example. OS Servers, OS Single Stations and OS Clients.

List of Systems for which we offer Training courses:

Pictures From Training Through The Years:

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