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Automation Technology in Industrial Plants

Tools and Software

TOOLS and Software

In our work, the most used system is Siemens - PCS7, STEP7, WinCC, WINCC Flexible, S7Graph, S7Higraph. We offer our clients a "fully integrated automation" that allows easy plant expansion without any integration problems.


SIMIT is a simulation software application from Siemens. It allows the comprehensive testing of automation applications. In addition, training for system operators can already be provided before commissioning.


ePlan offers computer-aided engineering (CAE) solutions to optimize entire product development processes, such as in the construction and documentation of cable harnesses. Additionally, a solution from the ePlan family allows the 3D engineering of switching systems and switch cabinets to be implemented.


Together with our partner Siemens, we offer tailor-made and future-fit automation solutions for a wide variety of industries.